Wednesday, March 1, 2023

HPD "Confusion" All Over

Any vehicles parked overnight last night on the even side of a city street were technically parked on the WRONG SIDE and definitely in the way of the DPW plows, and, therefore, should have been issued $15 Wrong Side Parking tickets from HPD.  Strangely, but not too surprisingly, some did get tickets and some did not.

These two cars on the 500 block of State, one covered in snow and one not, both received WRONG SIDE tickets.  In the background of the first picture you can see 3 cars parked on the even side of N. 6 the street, a street where the Alternate Side Parking rule most definitely applies.  None of those illegally parked cars were issued a ticket by HPD last night.

No tickets, no problem!
See how those cars were in the way of the plow trying to properly clear 6th Street last night?  Well, we know that the snow covering the cars is not the reason HPD failed to issue tickets on the even side of 6th.  No, it seems that the HPD officer issuing tickets last night simply forgot or didn't know that the overnight rule applies to 6th Street as well as State Street;  that DPW needs to clear snow from 6th as well as State; and, that the WRONG SIDE tickets help DPW do its job and keep our streets clear of ice and snow.  It would be interesting to hear if Police Chief Moore and DPW head honcho Robert Perry both agree with my assessment.

The city is out at least $45; today 6th Street is not, and may not soon be, properly plowed; and at least 3 car owners are still under the impression that it is acceptable to park OVERNIGHT ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE STREET and IN THE WAY OF THE CITY PLOW TRYING TO DO ITS JOB.  Why?  Because HPD can't seem to figure out which streets have the overnight rule and which do not.  Apparently it doesn't matter, even after snow.

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