Friday, March 17, 2023

This Makes No Sense

Following up on omissions, unhelpful inclusions, and other issues found on the CEO's Vacant Building Registry, here is a property in my neighborhood which I am all too familiar with:  538 State Street, an absolute disgrace for several years. 

538 State was vacated in or around 2018 after the police were called to the place following an incident with a tenant, or the owner, threatening someone with a rifle.  It appeared as if squatters had been living there, and Code Enforcement found appallingly dangerous conditions inside. A CEO Order to Vacate Dangerous & Unsafe Building notice was stapled to the wall.  I saw Craig Haigh on the front lawn at the time -- he made sure 538 State was vacated.
More recently, the Code Office issued a Building Permit to 538 State, but no substantial work has ever taken place.  No improvements, and still no one living in 538 State.  No one has been allowed to live there for several years.
The grass never gets cut unless I call CEO to complain.  The snow and ice never get cleared off the long expanse of sidewalk.  It is a huge eyesore and annoyance, year after year after year.  
Surely, then, 538 State is on the Code Enforcement's list of vacant buildings, right?  No, it is not.  It's not on the list, the owner is not paying any fees for allowing his house to continue to be a vacant, dangerous eyesore, and nothing ever improves.  DPW, just last week, removed a whole lot of garbage from behind this property that had been sitting in the alley for years.  Did anyone ticket the owner for leaving all that garbage there for years?  No!  So DPW removed it and doesn't charge the owner.  
According to public records, 538 State is owned by a certain Louis Jargow, of Kingston, NY.  He seems to have purchased the property in 2014 for one dollar.   According to the City of Hudson, Mr. Jargow's long-vacant building is not vacant at all. 

Welcome to 538 State!

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