Monday, March 20, 2023

Why Does The Community Need To See This Junk For Years?

The Hudson Islamic Center (HIC) is having difficulty completing their years-old mosque building project, so they leave all their junk and construction materials out for years for all to see and walk by.  It's obscene, both on their part and on the City of Hudson's part for not doing something about it.  Can anyone leave as much junk, even construction materials and tarps and all sorts of debris, right along the sidewalk or on their front stoop for as long as they please?  Apparently, the Code Enforcement Office would say "Well, I guess so.  Nothing we can do about it, sorry."

Why is the Islamic Center's problem our problem, too?  If you can't find a brick wall to build, put your  bricks inside or behind the building so no one has to look at them for years, and before someone picks one up and throws it at a passing car.  

Of course, on the HIC's own website, they offer niceties, such as the following:  LET US BUILD A MOSQUE TO UPLIFT OUR COMMUNITIES AND MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE.


They toss the word COMMUNITY around so often on their website that you'd think they would actually care about what the community surrounding their mosque-in-progress-for-years looks like.  Their idea of community seems to be a bit different than the norm.  The HIC also seem to be more concerned with demons, Smurfs, and Mickey Mouse than actually building their mosque or making the front look respectable to the community. 

From the most recent posting on the 
HIC's FB page.

Unsurprisingly, no one seems to be working on the mosque-in-progress today.  It's a rare sight to see any activity there.  But you can't miss all the junk left out front. Year after year.

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