Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Who Should Get The Boot?? (Part 2)

It's called a WRONG SIDE 
PARKING ticket for a reason

This morning at 9am, an "odd" day, I took this picture of a snow-covered car parked on the even side of N. 6th Street.  The car appears to have been parked there for at least 48 hours (hence all the snow on it).  Notice how the DPW snowplows had to go around the car last night because it was parked on the wrong side of the street. Notice all the unplowed snow making things more difficult for drivers and those wishing to park.  Did HPD issue the car a $15 WRONG SIDE PARKING ticket last night?  

Just like the two cars parked the previous night on the odd side of that block of N. 6th that were also in the way of the DPW plows, no, HPD did not issue this car a WRONG SIDE PARKING ticket -- a ticket that is designed to avoid just the kind of issue this car is creating by not abiding by the Overnight Alternate Side rule. (Of course, there are no signs anywhere on N. 6th letting anyone know about the rule, but that's for another post)

Records show that this car was issued 5 WRONG SIDE PARKING tickets on the following dates: 4/26/22; 5/17/22; 9/9/22; 12/13/22; and 2/15/23.  The vehicle's owner was also issued 2 parking meter violation tickets in that time period.  None of these tickets have been paid as of today, and all but two are overdue.  The city is owed a total of $290, most of that being in overdue fees.

7 parking tickets over the course of 11 months, 5 of them are overdue.  No boot on the car, even though our mayor claimed at a recent public meeting that it takes 3 overdue parking tickets for a vehicle's wheel to get the boot.  How about more than twice that, Mr. Mayor?

The owner of a car with 7 unpaid parking tickets fails to move their car from the WRONG SIDE of the street once again, this time blocking the DPW plows from doing their job and causing more snow to be left in the narrow street 2 days after snowfall. Yet, HPD does not issue it a ticket for doing so. 

Why is there a rule if it isn't enforced when it most needs to be?

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