Monday, April 24, 2023

Galvan Truly Cares About Us All

If the half block of sidewalk on South 5th Street is not the most dangerous half block of sidewalk in all of Hudson, it has to be up there with the top 5.  Galvan owns the vacant, fenced lot at 5th and Warren, and so they are responsible for the sidewalks surrounding it.  Somehow, though, Galvan doesn't feel responsible for the safety and well-being of anyone who walks on their sidewalk.

No, Galvan doesn't have the time, money or interest to make their sidewalk just off of Warren Street safe and respectable.  They do have time to petition the Hudson Planning Board with their million-dollar schemes; they have numerous "works in progress" projects; they own a huge chunk of the city; and they claim to give a crap about all of us and the "community."  But the best they can offer on the worst part of their South 5th Street sidewalk is orange paint and yellow tape, which appeared recently.  

It's possible that Galvan didn't even make that minimal effort to keep someone from destroying their ankle or tripping and landing on their chin.  My guess is that someone from the food truck that parks on 5th applied the paint and tape -- they likely got tired of hearing their customers complain about the sidewalk.  Anyway, why would Galvan bother doing anything about their horrible sidewalk now, especially if no one from the city is telling them to make their sidewalk safe and respectable?  Galvan's got plenty of more important things to spend their time and money on than keeping someone out of the hospital or morgue.

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