Tuesday, April 11, 2023

DPW Priorities and Sloppiness

(Warning:  This article contains 4 and 5 letter words and an image that some may find obscene)
This morning, a DPW crew of 2, as they do every spring, was out spray-painting the carrot arrows on several streets, hoping to direct drivers to the Hudson Farmers Market, which will be coming soon to the lot at 6th and Columbia.  It's always interesting for me to note what DPW doesn't find the time to do when they do find the time to paint the carrots.  For instance, this year (as last year) DPW still has not found any time, or interest, to remove the graffiti from the table in the 500 block of Warren pocket park.  The one with the words FUCK and BITCH written clearly on it.  The one with the vulgar drawing on the seat.  The graffitied table in a public park that DPW has not touched in at least two years.  Carrots painted on the street?  NOW THOSE ARE A PRIORITY!

About ten minutes after I saw the DPW workers applying the paint to Columbia Street at 6th Street, I bicycled by again and noticed a can of orange spray paint laying in the eastbound lane, near the freshly painted carrot arrows.  The DPW truck and workers had moved on and left something behind in the street.  I decided to get a picture of a passing vehicle, hopefully a truck.  The second car that passed ran over the can and it exploded, sending the can spinning and leaving an orange splotch on the pavement of our truck route.  Had the can been full, I probably would have been splattered in orange, or maybe hit in the head by a projectile.


I have said it elsewhere, but this will be the first time on HUDseen:  Our DPW Superintendent, Robert W. Perry, Jr., in my estimation, is a slob.  And he seems to accept, possibly even encourage, sloppy, slobby work from his many DPW workers. 

The only phone number offered on the DPW webpage is 518-828-9458.  Robert Perry might give you a call back if you leave a message for him there.

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