Friday, April 14, 2023

What's Going On At The Pocketbook Factory Project? [with update]

Empty and Locked

This morning at 8:30, on a Friday, there was no one working outside or inside the Pocketbook Factory.  No cars or trucks were parked in the contractor's designated lot on Washington Street, whose gate was locked.   At 1 pm, when these pictures were taken, there were still no vehicles or activity to be seen or heard.  Lately, on days the contractor does show up, the crew is no more than 5 or 6 workers and a few supervisors.

Last night, as every night, all the many light bulbs on each floor of the building were burning brightly.  There must be over a hundred bulbs inside, and they are all left on 24/7 for some stupid reason.

Empty, Quiet and Locked 
I believe this was billed as a $25 million project.  The sidewalks surrounding the property, including along the entire block of 6th Street, are inaccessible to pedestrians on weekends and when, as today, the contractor is not present and the building is not being worked on.  

As far as I know, the Planning Board did not set a time limit for when the project needs to be completed before a daily fine sets in, something that is not unheard of for large development projects in other cities.  The last thing the neighborhood needs is for this project to linger and take years more than expected to complete.

Walk in the street against traffic
or cross to the other sidewalk
for one entire block, whether 
work is taking place or not

Update, the following Monday:  Another day of locked gates today, and no activity.  I did see someone locking the gate at the contractor's lot on Washington Street, so I asked him if the building was still being worked on.  He replied, "Yes, but it's slowed down a bit lately."  

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