Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Do You Think Robert Perry Cares? [with update]

A paving contractor from Troy known as Bob Talham, Inc. (BTI) recently dug up at least two large portions of sidewalks in town.  Last Friday I asked the DPW clerk if anyone had been issued permits to rip out and block the 2 sidewalks, and if she had even heard of the company BTI.  The answers were no and no.

The sidewalks were dug up and blocked on Wednesday or Thursday of last week, and today pedestrians are still being forced into the street.  It appears that BTI ripped out the sidewalks 5 days ago and has not done anything since.

The owner of the property on Columbia Street told me that he got a letter from someone stating that excavation might have to take place for reasons related to a utility meter, but he got no warning before the sidewalk was actually removed.

BTI didn't notify the homeowner about their intentions to rip out the sidewalk, nor did they notify anyone at City Hall about it.  There is no penalty, monetary or otherwise, in the City of Hudson for this kind of behavior. 

I called BTI this morning and asked the woman who answered the phone when they would be finishing their work on Columbia Street and returning the sidewalk for pedestrian use.  She responded that they would get to it when the crew was in Hudson next.

"When will that be?" I asked.

"I don't need to tell you that," she replied, and hung up the phone.

The question is:  Who hired BTI to rip up two portions of sidewalks, and why?  And:  Does DPW Superintendent Robert Perry care about any of this?  How long is he okay with unpermitted blocked and missing sidewalks forcing pedestrians into the street?

I saw Mr. Perry in his city-issued vehicle this morning, driving south on S. 3rd Street headed out of town.  He drove right past the missing and blocked sidewalk in front of Wylde, and I don't think he even glanced at it!   He was behind a tractor trailer, and they both exited the city on 9G.  Where could Mr. Perry have been going?

Update, Friday May19th: With another weekend of unpermitted blocked sidewalks approaching, I tried BTI on the phone again.  Someone else answered the phone this time, and I was told that National Grid hired BTI to remove the sidewalks.  "So, who is supposed to be doing the sidewalk work on Columbia and on S. 3rd?" I asked. 

"National Grid.  It's always National Grid," she replied.

This is so absurd, but so common in Hudson.  

Robert Perry is probably amused by it. 

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