Wednesday, May 3, 2023

More News On The Mudslide Fia$co

I have been in contact with James Malcolm at the New York State DEC Water Division about the cleanup effort by our DPW in the Washington Street lot/dump.  He told me today via email that he is planning "to speak to DPW Superintendent Robert Perry and Delaware Engineering today."

This is the first I have heard of the involvement of an engineering firm with our unfortunate situation in the lot/dump.  It's pretty clear that the city will now be hiring Delaware Engineering to clean up the mess resulting from Robert Perry's regrettable decision to allow so much unregulated fill and debris to be dumped in the lot last year.  It's also pretty clear to me that after Mr. Malcolm's visit to the lot/dump a few weeks ago, he told Robert Perry that the mess must be cleaned up and it has to happen now.

What exactly the work by Delaware Engineering will entail is unknown to the public, but it's obviously beyond DPW's capabilities.  It will be interesting to see if our DPW Superintendent even mentions anything about this situation at next week's Informal Council meeting.  If Mr. Perry does mention what's going on at the lot/dump, he might have to explain how the trouble arose in the first place and who was responsible for it.  Like why there was a huge mudslide into the stream that also buried the end of the sewer pipe that DPW had to spend a few days unburying.  Perhaps Mr. Perry will also have to reveal how much he expects the city will be paying Delaware Engineering to clean up the mess that never should have been created -- an easily preventable mess that one would not expect a DPW Superintendent making over $114,000 a year to allow.

Stay tuned for more updates soon.

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