Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Who and What Are Sidewalks For?

Imagine if every business downtown left just 5 feet of sidewalk from the curb for pedestrians, as the coffee shop on Park Place does.  They have wheeled planters in front of their business, but never move them out of the middle of the sidewalk, not even when they are closed.  The shop owners are perfectly fine with blocking the middle and most of their sidewalk 24/7 with large, heavy metal objects. 

Actually, we should be thankful to the folks at the Roastery, since chapter 266-7B of the City Code stipulates that "a minimum of a 24-inch clearance must be maintained between the curb and any items placed on the sidewalks." Imagine if every business in town left just 2 feet of clear sidewalk!  (Ever wonder why City Hall can't seem to tackle the sidewalk problem?  Could it be that the lack of regard for pedestrians is enshrined in our Code?)

These 4 plastic garbage receptacles recently appeared in front of 341-343 State Street, where they remain 24/7.  Of course, like all of their neighbors along the odd side of the 300 block of State, 341-343 State has access to Long Alley.  Those neighbors leave their lovely garbage receptacles behind their houses along the alley, keeping the sidewalk clear for the walkers.  Chapter 157-5 of the Hudson City Code states that trash receptacles are to be left along alleys when "such alleys" are accessible.  It's the right thing to do, and no one should need to be reminded of the rule by Craig Haigh.  Much of the Code is written for people who just "don't get it."
Alley access behind 341-343 State

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