Thursday, May 11, 2023

Who Thought That Anyone Would Actually Want To Read This?

Who at Hudson City Hall 
approved this?

Did someone, or some organization, really think that anyone visiting the Riverfront Park would be interested to know that a French aristocrat who fought in the Revolutionary War visited Hudson?  Honestly, who cares and what does the information on the plaque have to do with the river?  A thick, ugly metal pole with a huge plaque on the lawn of our park commemorating someone no one ever thinks or talks about, except possibly the DAR people when they have a get together and talk history.  Really?  This is what the park needs?

How about a tree instead?  Now there's something we can all benefit from well into the future!  (It appears a tree was once in the spot where the worthless plaque now stands).

Or, how about a plaque commemorating the native tribes who lived off the land and water here for hundreds or thousands of years without polluting the river, fouling the air, creating toxic garbage dumps, cutting down all the trees, or covering the land with concrete and asphalt until an explorer by the name of Henry Hudson came along and put an end to it all?  Wouldn't that be educational, interesting and worthwhile reading?  Maybe even make people think about the past and the future?

Instead, we learn that a rich white guy stopped by Hudson for a few minutes 200 years ago.  Gee, tell me more, I'm truly fascinated! 

It's so absolutely lame and inappropriate and unnecessary.


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