Friday, June 9, 2023

God Save Us

The scene today behind 64 N. 6th Street
It's been 2 months since my follow up article on the so-called church at 64 N. 6th Street, titled How Is This Possible?.  The original article, from 4 months ago, titled The Curious Case of a "Church" And Its Dumpster, can be read here: curious caseStarting today, I will try to write an update on the "church" every two months.

Absolutely nothing has changed in terms of work on the building -- it is still as ugly as ever and no hammers, saws or humans can ever be seen or heard there.  The people running the nearby illegal auto repair "garage" in the driveway at the end of Prospect Street are still using the "church's" dumpster, as is half of Columbia County.  It's always available for anyone to drop trash in, on, or near it.  No one seems to care, least of all Craig Haigh at Hudson Code Enforcment and Kamal Johnson in the Mayor's Office.  Kamal is probably too busy twittering  on facebook to give a hoot, and Craig Haigh might be too busy inspecting other dumpsters in town for illegally dumped bags of trash (which Code Enforcement actually does!).

2 garbage inspections by CEO in January, 
neither of which were likely at 64 N. 6th Street

How can a property owner make or allow such a gross mess, you ask?  

Instead, I ask: How can a city allow a property owner to get away with this year after year behind a vacant building that doesn't have any need or use for a dumpster?  Isn't government supposed to be preventing quality of life issues (aka code violations) that are so blatant?  Not in Hudson.

The three vehicles behind the "church" are all still without valid registrations, which means they are still abandoned vehicles.  Three abandoned vehicles, a regularly overflowing dumpster, and litter all around in a lot behind a neglected, tax-free building that was vacated and deemed Dangerous and Unsafe by Code Enforcment in July of 2019.  Does anyone at City Hall care that for 4 years nothing has improved at 64 N. 6th, and that just maybe things have actually gotten worse?  Worse for those of us who live nearby, at least. 

The building permit expired over a year ago

No, it's much easier just to ignore the situation there than try to do something about it.  Why start now? 

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