Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Record Man Cares! So Does Code Enforcement!

I used to notify Code Enforcement about blatant code violations like this until I realized it was a complete waste of my time.

Chapter 266-7 of the City Code, an amendment made in 2003, is titled Sidewalk Obstructions.  It begins:  Purpose:  The Common Council of the City of Hudson has determined that the obstruction of the public sidewalk is a nuisance and cannot be tolerated...

Except that sidewalk obstructions are tolerated by Code Enforcement and DPW.  ALL.  THE.  TIME.

Why does the record shop owner continue to leave his bright orange A-frame sign in the middle of the sidewalk every day for 8 hours or more?  Simply because he can.  Why would he do any differently if no one is telling him he must?  No one at City Hall, including Code Enforcement, cares where he puts his sign or how much of the sidewalk he blocks.  

It's a smart marketing scheme the record store has -- block the sidewalk so that pedestrians will have no choice but to enter the store.  Good for business.  Good for Hudson.  Good for humanity.  I wish every store on Warren Street would follow the record man's example of how to do business in Hudson the right way.

1 comment:

  1. You can’t walk on Warren street anymore for the flags hanging over the walk, flower pots in the way, billboards parked in the middle of the walk and the lovely dog feces scattered here and there.


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