Wednesday, July 12, 2023

How On Earth Does Robert Perry Prioritize DPW Work?

Pedestrian walkway, aka city property. 
Not a maintenance priority
I noticed several DPW workers, vehicles and a piece of paving machinery in the Amtrak lot on Front Street this morning. The crew had already ripped up a one-inch layer of asphalt near the entrance, and marked a long line on the south side of the lot where more asphalt would be replaced. Actually, that asphalt is just an old patch job of DPW's.

It's really, really difficult to imagine that this is a priority job for Robert Perry's Department of Public Works.  It's difficult to believe that anyone has complained about the condition of the surface of that lot.  Relative to other lots, streets, alleys and walkways in town, the Amtrak lot is in good condition.  It should not be a priority.  Perry never mentioned this work in his recent monthly report.  He never mentions future projects, all the better to avoid scrutiny and questions from the council and the public.

A DPW patch job soon to be replaced
in the Amtrak lot.  DPW priority.

Remove an inch.  Replace.  

By the afternoon, DPW had ripped up the asphalt in the middle of the lot.  That surface was also not in bad condition.

Has Mr. Perry driven in or walked in any of the downtown city parking lots in the past few years? The City Hall lot has been a disgrace for years, and it isn't getting any better on its own -- the entire surface needs to be redone, not patched. The two lots in the 300 block of Warren? Awful!  In fact, according to an OSHA Injury Report the city is required to file annually, a parking enforcer found himself fallen on the pavement in a city parking lot on October 28th, 2022.  Here are the details from the report: Fell when walking in the "moto" parking lot, fell on left side. This should come as a surprise to no one, none more so than the enforcement officers themselves.

The lovely and safe "moto" parking lot, 
owned and "maintained" by the city

How on earth could a parking enforcer 
have fallen in this lot in 2022? 
What could possibly have caused it?

Could it have been the same broken and 
cracked asphalt and debris that is
 still in the lot 18 months later?
Or has DPW cleaned up the lot?

How about the walkway in the 500 block of Warren next to the Whaler Hotel connecting Warren Street to the City Hall parking lot?  It has been full of tripping hazards for years!  It is as disgraceful as city property comes these days.  And the pocket park across Warren Street?  Are you kidding me!  Welcome to Hudson, where pedestrians and parking enforcers continue to be disregarded and scoffed at by City Hall.

Ignore for a few more years!

Have you driven the 200 block of Long Alley lately?  Has Robert Perry?  It is one long patch job.  Don't drive too fast, though, you might lose a wheel!  It makes the Amtrak lot surface look and feel like something out of a glorious dream.

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