Monday, July 17, 2023

If This Happens, It Won't Have Happened Soon Enough

I don't know about you, but long ago I grew tired of the awful condition of Amtrak's railroad crossing on Broad Street.  I don't know what's worse when getting to and from the Riverfront Park: driving a vehicle over the 3 sets of tracks or riding a bicycle.  It ain't much fun for pedestrians either, of course.  The crossing never should have reached this level of roughness.

Several weeks ago, really fed up with the crossing, I tried my best to speak to someone about it at the nearby Amtrak Engineering Office on the side of the old L & B factory building.  I was told by a friendly worker inside that he would forward my concern to someone named Scott, and that Scott might call me back.

A few days ago, after no call from Scott, I once again rang the door buzzer at Amtrak's office.  This time I made my plea to someone else who was more helpful and aware of the situation at the crossing.  This person told me that he had been made aware of my concern/complaint and that Amtrak's crossing is scheduled to be redone this fall.  He offered me no promises that the job will be done this year, only that it was on the schedule.

I wonder if our DPW Superintendent has ever reached
out to Amtrak about their abysmal Broad Street crossing

I doubt that my single complaint convinced Amtrak to redo their crossing and make it respectable, but it is encouraging to know they are at least thinking about it.  Apparently, tracks will need to be replaced there, too.

Now, if we could just stop Colarusso's trucks from using and destroying that crossing!

And get CSX to improve their crossing on Front Street where it meets Broad Street!  Good luck getting CSX's attention!!!  They are notoriously slow and unresponsive.  

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