Sunday, August 6, 2023

"Get Me And My Big Rig The Hell Outta Here!"

On Saturday afternoon while on my bicycle, I passed a 53- foot Shop Rite tractor trailer headed west in the 500 block of Warren Street.  About one minute later, I turned around to head west and see where the truck had made it to.  I expected the truck to be approaching 3rd Street to get back on the truck route, but it was no longer on Warren.  At 5th Street, I looked toward Union Street and there it was, having a tough time making the left turn off of South 5th to get onto Union.

At one point, when the truck was at its most precarious position and inching along, the trailer's rear driver's side wheels were on the sidewalk of the northeast corner while the passenger side wheels of the cab were on the sidewalk of the southeast corner where a giant hole exists that once held a tree.  I don't think any wheels made their way into the tree basin full of water, but one of the DPW barriers got crushed into the basin.  Both of those DPW barriers, there for several months, were standing before the truck got there.  

The truck inched along, came off the sidewalk with a thump, the driver waved and honked to all the drivers on Union who had to back up and wait for him to get his truck by, then proceeded up Union, past the police station, stopping at Worth Avenue and finally taking a right to get out of the confusing little city with the truck route running through it.
I can only guess that the driver turned right onto Warren at Park Place, instead of turning  left to remain on the truck route.  

I wonder if the truck had knocked over a sign whether the driver would have stopped to assess the damage.  He had to have known he hit that barrier.  At some point, one of these errant trucks is going to do some major damage.

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