Thursday, August 17, 2023

Removing One Lane Is An Improvement?

The contractor "improving" the Stewart's intersection was busy this morning applying crosswalks and other pavement markings. They had already installed the double yellow line on Green Street, but not where I expected it to be.

It turns out there will only be one lane of traffic for vehicles (including plenty of trucks, of course) headed east on Green Street approaching the intersection with Fairview Avenue.  The left turn only lane that was so helpful is gone.  Now, all traffic, whether headed out of town on 23B or turning north on Fairview Avenue, will be gathered into one lane.  (This single lane configuration may have been in the plans from the start, but I can't find any plans online and I wasn't paying attention at the time).

Where in the past there might have been 4 vehicles in the left turn only lane and 4 vehicles in the straight ahead lane waiting at the two red lights, there will now be 8 vehicles waiting in one lane at one red light.  Won't this cause more delays as those wanting to turn left onto Fairview are forced to wait for oncoming traffic to pass since the dedicated green light for traffic turning left is gone?

I asked one of the workers there if it was true that there would be just one lane of traffic headed east.  He said that it was true.  I asked "Why?"  He only said "I didn't make that decision," but the look on his face showed that he was a bit incredulous, too.

Among other issues this change creates, exiting Stewart's from the Green Street exit to head east is probably more challenging than ever. Attempting this exit and turn probably shouldn't be allowed anymore. Generally, it's a horrible intersection to locate a gas station and convenience store anyway.  Great for Stewart's, of course, but no one else.

Cars, trucks, vehicles, gasoline, asphalt, concrete, CO2.  It's a losing game.

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