Wednesday, August 30, 2023

You Can Lead A Horse To Water...

The most (and perhaps only) recent improvement in the City of Hudson to allow pedestrians to more safely cross some busy downtown streets appeared a few years ago in the form of 5 pedestrian crossing signals.  This idea had been talked about at meetings for years, and it finally happened, thanks mostly, or entirely, to alderman Dominic Merante.  Perhaps the most important of those signals was installed at both ends of the crosswalk connecting the sidewalk along the north side of the 7th Street Park and the so-called sidewalk in front of the Citgo gas station and convenience store in the 700 block of Columbia Street, along our lovely truck route.  This signal is particularly helpful for park patrons desperate for a beer and some smokes.  When it is working, of course.

The steady stream of speedy car and truck traffic along that section of the truck route, with plenty of turning cars and trucks from 7th Street and from Park Place, as well as in and out of Citgo, presents a serious challenge for anyone attempting to walk the long expanse from one side of the street to the other.  It has always been ugly and scary there for pedestrians, no doubt, and it was probably at the top of Dominic's list for locations of the signals.  Which begs the question:  Why hasn't the signal been fixed since it stopped working at least 4 months ago?

No lights! No help!

Bent AND false!

It appears that a truck hit the signal in front of Citgo sometime in April -- the arrow signs above were bent badly.  Since then, the yellow lights that are supposed to flash when the buttons are pushed have remained on 24/7, but not flashing.  The buttons are still available to push for service to get across safely (there's nothing covering the buttons, nor any signs indicating that they don't work), but nothing changes with the steady lights.  No lights ever flash anymore.  You're on your own crossing the street once again, and you better know that even if you hit that button, the signal is not working and oncoming traffic is not being alerted to your presence.  You better hope drivers see YOU, because they aren't seeing any flashing lights!

How is it possible that for 4 months (or more) our DPW has not repaired the broken signal that they installed themselves?  In any city that actually gives a hoot about pedestrian safety, that signal would have been repaired within days, one week at most.  Also, the buttons would have been covered and signs would have gone up immediately warning pedestrians that the signal is broken.  But that simple and timely effort can't happen in Hudson, primarily because of one person. 

Has anyone at DPW opened this box
to see what is wrong inside?


In my opinion, we have a DPW Superintendent who simply doesn't care about safe streets and sidewalks for pedestrians (or bicyclists).  He might say he does, but it's not true.  He is as auto-centric as they come.  The pedestrian crossing signals were not his idea, but they should have been, and long ago.  Rather, the helpful signals were thrust on him and his department by a nearly blind alderman, and Robert Perry had to oblige, no doubt begrudgingly and cussing the entire time.  

So, you see, it should come as no surprise that for the past 4 months there has been no interest from DPW to fix the signal themselves or to hire someone to fix it.  No sense of urgency to fix a newly installed piece of simple technology that might save someone's life trying to cross the street.  And no mention of the situation with the broken signal at a council meeting, not even "we're aware of it and working on it."  Because they aren't.  "Just leave it," Mr. Perry probably says, "I never wanted the things in the first place.  Tell Dominic to fix it, they were his idea." 

If DPW doesn't actually know how to fix the signals (entirely possible), who does and who will?  (Surely, this was discussed prior to the signals being installed, right?).  If DPW has the ability to fix the signals when they fail, when will they do so at Citgo?  Will it be after Robert Perry retires, when someone takes his place who actually gives a crap about safe streets and sidewalks?

(I could and should have included any of these pictures in my recent article titled Sure Signs Of A Slob.)

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