Tuesday, September 26, 2023

It Turns Out That I Was Wrong!

It turns out that this is a violation of our city code, 
and for good reason!

Yesterday in Hudseen, I claimed that there was nothing in chapter 266 of our code related to electric wires strung across our sidewalks. I failed to read section 11 closely, titled Stringing Wires Over Streets Restricted.  I was thrown off by the word street.  Here is how the section reads:  

No person shall attach or string any electric or other wire or adjust or carry into or over any street, road, highway or public place except with written permission from the Commissioner of Public Works. (my bold)

Our sidewalks are also known as PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY.

Hudson's DPW Commissioner doesn't live in Hudson, and he doesn't have an office at City Hall or any place else in Hudson.  Don't expect this section of the code to be enforced any time soon, though it certainly should be before things get way out of hand!

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