Saturday, September 16, 2023

No What? [with update]

Big surprise -- it's an enormous pickup
truck parked in front of a hydrant
This afternoon, on a busy Saturday downtown, approximately ten minutes after I called HPD about this pickup truck parked in a clearly marked fire hydrant zone at Warren & 2nd, a Parking Enforcement Officer had slapped a $50 ticket on the windshield. Since the truck was parked west of 3rd Street, where no meters are located and officers do not normally patrol, this ticket likely never would have been issued without a call to HPD.

The truck was still parked there 45 minutes after I made the call.

You have to wonder, with all the craziness on our roads these days, what other traffic rules and regulations the owner of the pickup truck feels comfortable ignoring and might even be willing to do so whatever the cost or consequence.  While the truck had Massachusetts license plates, the website associated with the logo on the driver's side of the truck lists a business located on Warren Street that appears to no longer be extant.

Today was the second time I saw that truck parked there.  The first time I did not call HPD.

Update, Monday: I noticed the same pickup truck on Sunday, parked on, and completely blocking, the sidewalk along Worth Avenue.  Notice the sign he ignored (not that parking on a sidewalk is ever allowed!).

No Parking signs in our alleys are regularly ignored, both by drivers and by HPD.  I believe our book of rules/code even stipulates that parking is not allowed in any portions of our alleys.  This was likely created for reasons related to fires and fire vehicle access.  I guess that was once an important issue.  

Is it any surprise that the speed limit in town is so 
regularly ignored, too?

No Parking means no parking!  Any Time
includes right now!  The rule applies to 
everyone, including you!  You are not 
exempt or special!

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