Thursday, September 14, 2023

Someone's Idea Of A Joke?

Are we supposed to stop and TRY to 
read this sign?
Yesterday was my first visit to the Columbia County Solid Waste transfer station on Newman Road in Greenport since they finished with the site's improvements a few months ago.  The layout of the station is still kinda wonky and confusing (maybe more than it used to be, honestly), but the most ridiculous thing of all that I experienced, worse than the unnecessary speed bumps(!), was the new station map sign that greets visitors along the entrance drive.  It's colorful all right, and it is no help at all.  It is nothing short of embarrassing and insulting, and it reflects poorly on our county government utilizing tax dollars.

The only way that the CCSWD's station map sign might be of help is if you were to stop your car in front of it (hope you don't get rear ended), get out of your car (hope you don't get run over by a truck full of trash), walk to the sign and try your best to read it and make sense of it and what lies ahead of you (try not to scream).  Since the sign is so small, full of arrows, and the words impossible to read, standing in front of it probably won't help, either.  It could easily be someone's idea of a joke.  It should (or might!) say this at the bottom:  Ha ha, made you stop and look! 

Help! My eyes and brain hurt and I feel dizzy!  

FAIL!  Do over!  Unacceptable!  No help!  Hire someone else to do this!

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