Thursday, November 16, 2023

What Would God Do?

At some point late last night or early this morning a 12-foot board with 8 large and rusty nails fell off the facade of the former church at 6th & Columbia, falling about 12 feet, bouncing off of the railings below and landing on the sidewalk, with nails facing down.  While there has been some work on the building lately, it has not been near the front, so this projectile made its way to the sidewalk on its own.  An "act of god," obvioulsy.

Old and in the way churches -- especially large, tall ones -- what is a city to do with them?  Hope someone with bottomless pockets can afford to renovate and make something of them for the wealthy?  Allow a mentally disturbed individual to scatter garbage and junk on the lawn and sidewalk, blare music and frighten passersby?  Let the buildings rot and hope that the stuff that eventually falls off of them -- like heavy boards full of nails, bricks, slate shingles and crucifixes -- doesn't hurt or kill someone?  Just have them razed (expensive!) and start over?  The options aren't very palatable, are they? 

Let's face it, if someone were to build a structure at 6th and Columbia should the former church disappear, it wouldn't be made so large, tall and useless. Which is to say, former churches are a hindrance to proper development and a decent city. 

If the scene doesn't frighten you and there is room on the sidewalk, go stand in front of the former church next to Nolita's to behold another problematic old church nobody knows what to do with. What an absolute disgrace beyond comprehension it has been for the past few weeks!!!!

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