Monday, March 25, 2024

Hudson Needs More Properties Owned by Limited Liability Corporations (LLC's)!

Not slush!  Ice!
Late this afternoon, nearly 48 hours after the snow stopped falling on Saturday night, there were 2 long sections of icy sidewalk along the south side of the 700 block of Columbia Street. The inch or two of snow that had fallen there, shaded from the sun enough to not completely melt, had obviously been untouched by the property owners. Of course, the hundreds of pedestrians walking there yesterday and today had no choice but to walk on it. So, who are the lazy, disrespectful, code violating bums who didn't shovel their sidewalks themselves or pay someone do it for them?

The long section of ice covering the entire width of the sidewalk just west of Park Place is in front of the building at the corner known as 24-26 Park Place.  That property is owned by someone calling themselves 24-26 Park Place LLC, with a mailing address in Lagrangeville, NY.   Hmmm... how far away is that from Hudson?  Too far to bother?

The much longer section of ice-covered sidewalk found closer to 8th street is in front of three properties owned by two LLC's.  753 Columbia is owned by someone or some company disguising themselves as 753 Columbia LLC, with a mailing address in Rhinebeck.  They apparently don't know that it snowed in Hudson on Saturday and that the snow has been ice for the past 36 hours.  Next door, 755 Columbia is owned by the Hudson Flatiron LLC, c/o a fellow by the name of Wingate Jackson.  Apparently, Wingate has been real busy somewhere outside of Hudson for the past 48 hours.  (He does not appear to live in downtown Hudson.)  I wonder if he got his driveway cleared of snow yesterday. 

The property owners responsible for this won't 
be found walking on it.

Wingate Jackson, through the same LLC, also owns 45-49 Eight Street, which is the red brick (flatiron) building at the corner of Columbia & 8th where Cafe Mutton can be found on the first floor.  Yesterday, a sign on the door for their customers read MIND THE ICE since the sidewalk in front of the entrance to the cafe was never cleared of snow and ice by their landlord, Mr. LLC.  And so, the ice remained all day and night yesterday, today and, yes, will remain that way tonight in the dark.  Maybe no one behind the 3 LLC's will have to lift a finger to clear their sidewalks of ice, allowing mother nature to take care of it for them tomorrow.  And maybe no one will slip on the ice tonight, crack their head open and wind up dead in the morgue.

These LLC's (and so many others) obviously don't care about unsafe sidewalks covered in ice in front of their properties.  Is it because they all know that Hudson Code Enforcment doesn't give a crap either?  Or is it because their Limited Liability Corportation will shield them from a lawsuit should someone slip and fall on their icy sidewalk?  Why bother clearing your sidewalk of snow and ice if you can hide behind an LLC, live somewhere far from your icy sidewalk and never be bothered by Hudson Code Enforcement?

Sounds to me like an ideal way to build a community of caring neighbors!

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