Friday, March 22, 2024

Is It Time For Term Limits For Common Council Members?


With the upcoming return of City Hall offices to 520 Warren Street, it's worthwhile, I think, to consider what one Common Council member recently had in mind about the garbage bag vending machine that some of us can't live without and everyone has an opinion about. 

Toward the end of November's Informal Common Council meeting, during a long discussion about budget matters, 5th ward council member Dominic Merante actually asked Mayoral Aide Michael Hoffman the following question, seemingly out of the blue:   "I'm just curious, Michael, you might know some information if there is any data collected.  Is there any benefit of keeping the garbage bag vending machine here after we move back to City Hall?"  The here Merante referred to is the building where the council meeting was taking place 5 months ago, known as the Central Fire Station at 7th & Washington and where City Hall offices and the garbage bag vending machine have been located for the past year.

Instead of rejecting Merante's question for the pure nonsense and waste of time that it was, Hoffman dutifully replied that the vending machine had to be moved back to Warren Street since there are often problems with the machine that need immediate attention, as well as people using the machine who need assistance.  "It's helpful to have staff nearby," he added, "and that's why we plan on bringing it back." He then concluded: "That's an interesting question to think about. I feel like location actually increases its usage."  Oh boy, Merante and Hoffman might be on the same wavelength!

Dominic Merante had nothing else to add.  

  Not a permanent option in anyone's mind
  but Dominic Merante's.

It appears that at least two people at City Hall -- one in the Mayor's Office and the other a common council member for the past 6 years -- view the city's garbage bag vending machine as if it were offering candy and soda instead of providing residents with an item that most households have no option but to purchase.  Both Merante and Hoffman apparently think it is possible to maximize the amount of money being put into the garbage bag vending machine by strategically locating it where it will get used as much as possible, even if it means locating it a half mile from City Hall and not at all in a central downtown location.   Somehow, the two feel that returning the bag machine in front of 520 Warren Street might not be in the city's best interest.  Hurry!  Hire a consultant to tell us where to locate the city's garbage bag vending machine to get the most money out of it!

Hell, why not put the vending machine somewhere on the sidewalk along Fairview Avenue where thousands of vehicles would stream by it every day?  Better still, maybe the Stewart's shop will let us put our bag machine in their parking lot or next to their front door!  Imagine the exposure!  Imagine the eyeballs!  Imagine the convenience!  Imagine the increase in bag sales!  Imagine the profits!  Imagine the people buying blue bags who don't need them!  Imagine the increase in the number of people gawking at the machine and asking, "What the hell are those blue things in there?"  Imagine the ease that DPW would have stocking and fixing their lovely garbage bag vending machine one mile from City Hall!

Sorry, Dominic, there is no better location!

In addition to the Hudson mayor, is it time for term limits for our common council members?


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