Thursday, April 25, 2024

Is This How It's Always Been Done And Always Will Be Done?

While on the second floor of City Hall today, I noticed a jobs posting on the bulletin board outside of the Department of Public Works offices.  Curious, I read it and took pictures. 

The VACANCY NOTICE, from Robert Perry, Jr., Superintendent, is dated April 23, 2024 (2 days ago).  The date by which applicants must "notify the Superintendent IN WRITING" is "on Thursday, April 25, 2024," today, all of 2 days later. The notice is marked "TO:  ALL PERSONNEL."

What kind of "WRITING," Mr. Perry?

Mr. Perry is looking to fill two general labor positions and one motor equipment operator position, though there is no mention anywhere whether the positions are full or part time.  There is also no mention of whether the positions are open to the public or just to city employees.  

Curious to see if our DPW Superintendent had taken advantage of the city's new and difficult-to-locate JOBS webpage, I took a look at it.  (I was not able to access the page on my android phone, only on my laptop!)  Unsurprising to me, there was no mention of any vacant positions at DPW to be found.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.  

According to the last line on the sheet of paper for the laborer position, that job description was last updated in December of 2008.

What exactly is DPW's hiring process?
Shouldn't it be the same as all other departments?

According to the last 5 lines on the sheet of paper for the notice itself, Perry's 3-page VACANCY NOTICE was also posted at the DPW Garage, the Sewer Plant, the Water Plant and the Cemetery. And possibly nowhere else physically or online. Who exactly is Mr. Perry's target audience for his VACANCY NOTICE?

Early last year or late in 2022 during an informal Common Council meeting, I asked then Police Chief Ed Moore how he went about hiring new parking enforcers.  He said that it was done primarily by word of mouth.  I asked him if there were to be a help wanted page available on the city's website if he would take advantage of it.  He replied that he would, and that it would be a good idea to have one.  5 or 6 months later the city rolled out its renovated website and a JOBS & VOLUNTEER page soon arrived.  The only job vacancy I have ever seen on that page is the one that has been there for the past 4 or 5 months -- a vacancy at HPD that I believe was filled about two months ago.

One can't help but wonder how Mr. Perry feels about the new JOBS page on the city's website and why he isn't utilizing it, or required to use it, to fill vacancies at DPW.  Perhaps he isn't even aware of it.  One also wonders if he still primarily relies on word of mouth to fill his department's vacant positions that cannot be filled from within the DPW.  Maybe he just tells his employees to find him new workers.  It's just easier that way, isn't it?  Who knows, maybe that's the way it's always been done at DPW.

Unchanged for several months, and still no workers
needed at DPW, apparently.

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