Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Our Great Communicator, At It Again!

Our DPW Superintendent's approach to communicating with the Common Council and the public never ceases to amaze me.  Take the recent household water rate raise, for example.

The first and only mention at a council meeting explaining the reasons behind this year's household water rate increase of $25 (to $150 per quarter) arrived well after the decision was made and after the $150 water bills had been mailed by DPW.  It's possible that this was the first mention of the raise at all at a council meeting (if it was previously mentioned, I missed it).

During his DPW report this month, Robert Perry took 3 minutes to explain the reason why the rate had been/had to be raised ("rates will raise as we do more capital projects") and assured everyone that Hudson's rate is still far lower than Greenport's and Stockport's ("55% lower").  He did not explain how the $25 increase amount was arrived at, nor did he mention if the metered rate that certain buildings pay was raised.  Apparently, according to Perry, City Treasurer Heather Campbell had told him that "people were wondering what the $25 increase was for."  So, after the fact, Mr. Perry explained why the rate went up for the second straight year.   

Mr. Perry finished his explanation with this:  "Yes, we did raise rates two years in a row but we're not just doing this for the fun of it. [So reassuring, isn't he?]  One, the rates have been WAY TOO LOW for WAY TOO LONG.  We have zero fund balance for sewer and water.... Rates are going to have to continue to raise as we do these capital projects."  Perry sounded annoyed and inconvenienced, as if he couldn't believe he had to explain, let alone mention, the water rate raise.  He often sounds annoyed and inconvenienced at meetings, especially when answering questions from the council and the public.  Of course, he's never in the City Hall chambers and his face isn't even on a screen for anyone to see.  As far as anyone knows, he could be sitting on his couch at home giving his report and explaining why he decided to raise the water rate by 20% two months ago. 

I guess that our Great Communicator had no time to offer that short explanation during a previous meeting prior to, or soon after, the rate increase was approved and before the bills were sent out.  What I did not hear Mr. Perry say during the March or February council meetings was this: "Just a heads up.  The quarterly household water rate has been increased this year, as it was last year.  Everyone's water bill will now be $150, an increase of $25, or 20%.  Those bills will be in the mail in the next few weeks."  Then, just maybe, council members and the public could ask for an explanation and some details.  You know, to hold Mr. Perry accountable, and for the inner workings of City Hall -- especially rate/fee increases -- to be as transparent and forthcoming as possible.  

The $150 DPW household water bills that were recently sent out should have included a note:

Enclosed is your current quarterly DPW water bill, now $150.  Sorry, we can't offer you an explanation as to why your water bill increased for the second consecutive year or why it is an increase of $25 (20%) this year.  Maybe the DPW Superintendent will find a few minutes of his time to explain the reasons for this raise at a future council meeting, but don't hold your breath.  Please pay your $150 by the end of the month and don't ask us any questions about the new rate.  Mr. Perry is very busy and can't be bothered or inconvenienced any more than he already is. 

PS -- This holds true for any future water rate raises.   Thank you.

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