Tuesday, May 14, 2024

It's Not Funny Anymore

Chances are very good it was yet another
turning tractor trailer!

Prior to today, it had been just three and a half months since the street sign at 3rd & State was last knocked over.  This is getting ridiculous.  That sign and the trash can are being hit way too often.

Of course, nearly all of the trucks and tractor trailers making their way onto State Street have no choice but to turn onto 3rd Street to get back on the truck route to get out of town.  These are the tractor trailers regularly seen headed west (almost never east!) on State Street that HPD does not ticket for straying off the route.  These are the tractor trailers that tend to destroy things at the tight intersection of 3rd & State (and 5th & State) that is not meant for huge and long vehicles.  These are the tractor trailers that destroy things that taxpayers pay to replace.  These are the tractor trailers that destroy our streets and infrastructure below that we are constantly replacing, patching, fixing and paying for.  These are the tractor trailers that fill our lungs with toxic particulate matter, our ears and brains with unwanted noise and our bodies with stress.  Depending on what street you live on, some feel the effects of the trucks worse than others.

On State, likely headed to 3rd Street.

It appears that DPW took Hudseen's advice to no longer bother replacing the ONE WAY sign at 5th & State that was regularly being knocked over and replaced. (It was a superfluous sign, not even meant to prevent wrong way drivers.) That sign was last knocked over two months ago, on March 12th, after having been replaced just two weeks prior following a strike.  It had also been knocked over last August.  DPW's spray paint is still on the street and sidewalk from the prior sign replacements, and will be for a long, long time. There is a product called temporary spray paint that our DPW is either unaware of or averse to using.

No more replacing the ONE WAY sign?

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