Saturday, May 4, 2024

W. A. S. A. D. F. T. T. D. O. A. F. !!!

What A Stupid & Disrespectful F'ng Thing To Do On A Friday !!!

Yesterday (Friday) morning, National Grid's contractor, Mullen, dug up several asphalted sections of the northern sidewalk along the upper half of the 500 block of Warren Street. They didn't do any work in those holes yesterday because that work had already been done weeks or months ago and then covered in temporary asphalt. Instead, they were just preparing the holes to be properly filled with concrete. With their sections of asphalted sidewalks removed, they then left town for the weekend. Of course, there is absolutely no reason Mullen couldn't have kept the sidewalk passable for the weekend by beginning their work on Monday.

But, no!  Our friends at Mullen (from Saugerties) had to dig up the sidewalk so that thousands of shoppers and pedestrians on that side of Warren are forced into the street twice for (at least) 4 days -- on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday -- in the heart of Hudson's downtown business district.  Mullen could have just as easily done their concrete work on Monday and Tuesday -- Hudson's dead business days -- but they chose not to.  Instead, they made sure to block the sidewalk for four days over the weekend instead of just two days FOLLOWING the weekend.  Brilliant!
Yes, Mullen was kind enough to provide protected areas in the street for pedestrians forced off of the sidewalk, but the cones providing that protection block several metered parking spaces.

N. 6th alongside the County Clerk's office too.
Forced into the street unnecessarily!
This was all completely uncalled-for, but no one at City Hall pays enough attention to care.  Not even Robert Perry or Kamal Johnson, whose salaries combine for over $190,000.  It's sickening.  I've heard it from two business owners on Warren Street (one of them on the Hudson Business Coalition):  that City Hall doesn't give a crap about them.  The same goes for pedestrians.  

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