Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Another Day, Another Sinkhole! Ho Hum.

Today, while bicycling past 510 Warren Street, my bicycle and I dipped precipitously for a moment before resuming a smooth ride.  Aha!  Another friggin' sinkhole!  I'm having trouble keeping count of all the sinkholes appearing on and under Mullen's work on Warren, but I'm pretty sure this is the 6th, possibly 7th to rear its ugly head.  Unsurprisingly, this one appeared where the new asphalt meets the old, where most of them are located.

I told the mayor about the sinkhole after he said that he would like to know about it and where it was located.  Across the hall, I told DPW about it.  With that, a laborer who happened to be in the office immediately went outside to have a look.  On the way down the stairs, he grumbled, "Mullen!"  Even the DPW workers, who are not responsible for these sinkholes, are sick and tired of this bullshit.

In a car, it's just another bump in the road.
On a bicycle, it's unmistakable and kinda scary.

Well before the Village of Saugerties had similar gas line replacement work done 2 years ago, also by Mullen, they held two public meetings where the gas utility explained what the project would entail, how long it would take, as well as answering any questions from the public.  Our DPW Superintendent could have made something similar happen here, but he chose not to invite National Grid to City Hall to give us a briefing on their gas line replacement project in Hudson which is now over a year in the works.  Obviously, it wasn't important enough to Mr. Perry, our Great Communictor on Zoom, to do something so simple and considerate.

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