Monday, July 1, 2024

How To Show You Care About Hudson, According to The City's Largest Property Owner and Their Friends At Hudson City Hall

Ever since a private sanitation company worker was killed in October 2022 while servicing the dumpster at Galvan's apartment complex in the 200 block of State Street, tenants there have had no choice but to leave their bagged and bulk trash on the ground where a large dumpster was once available for their use.  Yes, 24/7/365, Galvan's tenants are expected to leave their bagged trash on the ground in a non-enclosed space, free for any and all to see and smell, for all vermin to tear into and for litter to be blown elsewhere, especially in the recent never-ending wind.  Of course, even if Galvan's genius garbage "enclosure" were to have a gate, vermin would still have a feast every night inside of it, especially in the warmer months.  

Perhaps the more obscene thing about this situation is that the City of Hudson DPW, the Mayor's Office and the Code Enforcement Office are fully aware of what Galvan is forcing their tenants to do, but no one seems to give a crap one way or the other about it.  This only begs the question: Would City Hall be okay if every Hudson resident were to leave bags of garbage and loose trash on the ground on any day of the week for DPW or a private trash hauler to eventually remove?  If not, why has Galvan been allowed to create regular code violations and quality-of-life issues along the alley behind 227-235 State Street every day of the week for the past 20 months?  Is it because Galvan is above the law, beyond reproach and City Hall appreciates everything they do for us?

I was recently with a friend who owns a house in the 200 block of Columbia Street that is a stone's throw from Galvan's missing dumpster along Long Alley.  He was speaking with a pest control expert from Saugerties about ridding his house of carpenter ants.  The exterminator said that he had worked in a few houses in the neighborhood that had "serious rat problems," but not insect problems.  "Rats? You don't say!"

3 sides do not constitute an "enclosure."
What exactly does "in blue bags only" mean?
Why doesn't it say "Blue bags only placed 
here on Monday nights"?  Is it because
Galvan really doesn't give a shit about Hudson
and is only here to make as much money as possible?

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