Monday, August 19, 2024

Is Robert Perry The Genius At City Hall? Or Is He The Sleeping Beauty?

Over 4 months ago, though probably closer to 6, one of National Grid's contractors ripped out a few portions of sidewalk, including the curbs, along the west side of South Third Street to get at gas infrastructure below.  At least two of those excavations were along the yellow curbed NO PARKING zone found between Warren Street and Cherry Alley.  

In the genius of effective communication between DPW Superintendent/Grand Wizard Communicator on Zoom Robert Perry and the multinational behemoth National Grid, those two portions of no-longer-yellow-curb are each large enough to comfortably accommodate one parked car and, of course, are considered legitimate parking spaces by drivers.  And so, for the past 5 or 6 months (7?), parking in the newly created spaces in the NO PARKING zone is common and HPD can't issue a ticket even if they were to notice a car parked there.  Like today.  

Robert Perry's handiwork!

This is one way to create more parking 
spaces downtown -- let National Grid take 
over and allow Robert Perry to continue 

April 10th.  2 or 3 months prior, the 
curb was yellow.  It has still not been 
repainted over 4 months after this
picture was taken.

New curb, new parking space in a NO PARKING zone.  

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