Friday, August 2, 2024

Who and Where Are "The Guys" With The New Ten Year Lightbulbs?

It has been close to three weeks since I informed an incredulous DPW clerk that the new LED streetlight on North 3rd at Warren was not working.  As HUDseen reported exactly two weeks ago, the clerk told me that she would 'tell the guys" about the out light, whatever that means.

As of last night, "the guys" still had not made that light turn on and the corner is still dangerously dark for pedestrians and cyclists about 8 hours every night.

When I first heard about the plans for the city's streetlight years ago, I was thinking that the turnaround time for replacing dead bulbs would improve dramatically once "the guys" at DPW took over the responsibility from National Grid.  I'm starting to think I was wrong.  Heck, DPW's response times might turn out to be even worse than National Grid's, which is an almost unfathomable notion.  Let's see how they do. 

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