Saturday, September 14, 2024

Introducing Our Nature-Loving Pals At National Grid

Readers are likely aware that our sidewalks and streets have been much more colorful since National Grid and their contractors showed up last year to replace our natural gas pipes.  Readers may also be aware that National Grid recently decided that spray painting the popular walking trail behind Oakdale Lake was just as necessary and appropriate.  

For how long does NG expect the paint
on their dirt to remain?

While the multinational utility doesn't own any of our sidewalks or streets, it turns out they do own the entire trail from the DSS driveway to Spring Street as well as a large portion of each of the wonderful frog & turtle ponds along the trail.  This likely explains why the empty spray paint can which a National Grid employee used to mark the trail is now floating in their pond and probably has been for weeks. 

Perhaps the NG employee thought the spray paint can would sink!

This morning, the can with the magenta-colored top appeared to be in the NG-owned portion of the larger pond (according to the GIS tax map). Thank goodness! Let's hope the lovely can full of chemicals remains there for fucking ever so the turtles and frogs can enjoy it, and we can see it every time we walk past what little bit of relatively undisturbed nature is remaining in Hudson and on planet earth.

And people walking on the trail are the problem?

It took this... get this...

... and to get a National Grid employee to throw an empty can of spray paint into one of the ponds!  It's all making sense to me now!

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