Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 As I bicycled up Warren Street last Friday morning, I noticed a DPW employee get out of the white pickup pictured below and head across the street to City Hall.  When I passed the pickup, I noticed that its engine was idling.  The temperature was already in the 40's...

When I bicycled by the other direction a few minutes later I noticed that the white pickup was still parked and idling.  I waited a few minutes more before the employee exited the building and drove the truck away.  The engine had been idling for at least 7 minutes. 

The employee didn't do anything wrong, nor have the other DPW employees who regularly and unnecessarily idle their city-issued vehicles.  The wrong is that our DPW, indeed City Hall, appears to have no vehicle idling policy at all.  The unnecessary idling of city-issued vehicles in the City of Hudson appears to be permissible.  If there is some sort of written or oral idling policy, it certainly isn't enforced or held in much regard by city employees.  I have never heard the issue brought up once at any Common Council meetings.

Am I mistaken that Hudson recently passed the grade to be labelled a CLIMATE SMART COMMUNITY?  What does that even mean?

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