Friday, February 17, 2023

Is it the year 2023 in Hudson?



The sharp corner of this sign for the municipal parking lot on Warren Street closest to 4th Street has been waiting to dig into someone's forehead, scalp or eyeball for at least 4 years, possibly much longer.

It's not just that a piece of the wooden frame around the sign has been missing for years.  It's not just that the lowest corner of the sign is about 5 feet 9 inches from the ground and it is sharp.  It's not just that it looks like the sign and post should have been replaced in the 1990's.  Yes, all these things are concerning.  

But what is most concerning and inexplicable is that no one at City Hall gives a crap.  Not Ed Moore or his parking enforcers who walk in and out of that lot and past the sign multiple times daily; not Robert Perry or anyone at DPW; not the Parking Bureau; not Mayor Kamal Johnson; not Craig Haigh of Code Enforcement.  Can you imagine if Code Enforcement allowed every property owner in town to hang some ugly, broken, sharp thing along their sidewalk that could easily jab a pedestrian in the head and send them to the hospital?  And allow it for years?

Remember that DPW recently spent some money on at least 24 CROSS ONLY ON GREEN signs and installed them along Warren Street.  But an old, broken, sharp-cornered, leaning sign for a parking lot on Warren Street waiting to send someone to the hospital is not worthy of any attention.   For years.

I think the problem here is that no one at City Hall actually knows who has the authority to replace the sign.  Why else would it go ignored for so long?

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