Friday, March 24, 2023

Kamal's Vanity Project, Perhaps?

If you haven't viewed all 4 of the new videos on the City of Hudson website, titled the Hudson, NY Community Video Tour, I highly recommend that you do so.  If none of the videos churn your stomach, perhaps this will:  Our friends at A. Colarusso & Sons, whose trucks cause us so much trouble and who seems to be locked in never-ending lawsuits and disputes with the city regarding their trucks and their haul road, contributed money to make the videos happen.  Did Kamal Johnson ask for their support?

After watching the videos, but especially the first one, titled Welcome, I could only conclude that City Hall is now acting as the promoter of Warren Street.  Who is the target audience for these videos?  What is the purpose of the Welcome video besides a platform for Kamal Johnson to remind everyone who he is?

While the Mayor's Office was busy making the videos trying to get people to (presumably) visit and live in Hudson, what were they doing about the lack of parking in downtown Hudson which their parking consultant just warned them about?  Probably nothing besides hiring that consultant to eventually tell them what they should have already known:  If you are going to attract more people to Hudson, you need to find more parking spaces for them.  Otherwise, things will get ugly.  

It's so much easier to hire a professional videographer and smile for the camera, isn't it?

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