Tuesday, March 28, 2023

One More Try At Code Enforcement

Here's a word-by-word transcript of my second attempt to get Code Enforcment to look into what, to me, clearly appears to be a code violation.  Craig Haigh raised his service window through which much of the public interacts with him, and he began the conversation.

What can I do for you?

I'm following up on last week's conversation.  I'd like to file a complaint or code violation so you can look into it.

What's it for?

There is a sign at the corner of 7th and Warren for a business located about 3 or 4 blocks away.  

What's the business?

I believe it's called the Brewery something or other. 

So is that the only complaint you've got?

Yeah, I guess. 

Okay, we'll look into it whenever we get a chance.  It's not an emergency, so we'll take care of it when we can.

Okay, so I can follow up on it next week, maybe?

No need to follow up.

Well, I just want to know it it's been issued.... (interrupted)

Thank you, see ya, bye. 

Can I fill out a form so that you have an official... (interrupted)

Nope.  I don't want anything from you.

You don't want an official...(interrupted)

Get out.  Get out.

You don't want an official record of this?  For... (interrupted)

I'm writing it down now.

You don't do that anymore?


You don't hand the clipboard to... (interrupted)

I don't want anything from you.  (Craig lowers the window and continues speaking) No, not for you.  Out!

I'll follow up with you next week to see if.... (interrupted)

You don't need to follow up.  We don't need to waste my time with your time.  Bye.  Get out. Bye, William.

It's called the Depot Brewery.  The Upper Depot!

I don't care.  No, we're not issuing them any violations.  Go on, get out of here.  IDIOT!

Craig turned away, and I turned around and left the building. 

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