Friday, March 10, 2023

"Strictly Enforced"?


Are those birds chirping or is
that a garbage truck backing up?
I first heard this truck among the quiet this morning from two blocks away, a few minutes before 6:00 am.  It had just emptied a dumpster (loudly) at Speedway and then backed up with its loud beep beep beeps to continue on its route.  Then it drove up Prison Alley to empty dumpsters behind a restaurant, the metal of the dumpsters making a very loud racket as they bounced off the truck, echoing off the walls of the buildings along the alley.  I took the picture at exactly 6:00 am. Then, with engine roaring, it drove through the alley to Prospect Avenue to loudly empty another dumpster waiting for it at the car repair garage at the end of Warren.  It backed up, beeping, then roared away to another dumpster. 

This morning I saw no enforcement of any kind of the DPW rule that all garbage trucks are not allowed to do their business in Hudson BEFORE 7 am.  DPW is so serious about this rule that they claim, as I have posted about once before, that the 7am rule is "STRICTLY ENFORCED."   Actually, there is zero enforcement of DPW's so-called rule, the garbage haulers know it, and the early morning, loud nonsense continues as if it doesn't matter.  If neither DPW, CEO nor HPD are going to enforce the rule which DPW claims will be "strictly enforced," why even bother with a rule at all?  How important is the rule?  Was the rule created to combat quality-of-life issues related to early morning NOISE?  Finally, who is supposed to do the "enforcement" of the 7am curfew rule?  Rob Perry?

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