Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Who Should Get The Boot??? (Part 3)

This pickup truck was parked overnight on the even side of Warren Street -- the WRONG SIDE on this odd numbered day -- obviously in the way of DPW plows, yet HPD did not issue it a $15 WRONG SIDE PARKING ticket.

A look at the boot-free vehicle's parking ticket history in Hudson is astonishing.  It currently has 11 unpaid tickets, 9 of which are overdue.  6 tickets are for WRONG SIDE PARKING at $55 each; 2 meter violations at $45 each; one Amtrak lot ticket at $75; plus two recent meter violations at $10 each.  The owner of the vehicle owes the City of Hudson $525.  

The oldest unpaid parking ticket this vehicle has right now is from August 8th, issued more than 7 months ago.  If one is to believe what Mayor Johnson told the consultant during his recent presentation, this vehicle should have been booted in the middle of September last year when its third parking ticket became overdue.  That was 6 months ago!  8 tickets later and the owner can park freely in town -- right side, left side, wrong side, whatever side.  Park in front of the DPW snowplows, we don't care and we won't ticket or boot you.  Hell, park on the sidewalk if you like!  And, please, take your time paying, were in no rush to take your money.  

Do you get the sense that something is not operating properly at, and between, the Hudson Parking Bureau, DPW, HPD, and the mayor's office ?  As if the heads of those departments don't speak to one another?  This is exactly the issue which the city's parking consultant stressed in his recent report, summing it up nicely as "when everyone is responsible, no one is responsible."  

We paid the Fishbeck Company to point out a problem City Hall has in regards to the big picture of parking.  Ok, now who is going to take that advice and run with it, maybe do something with it besides just forget about it?  The mayor?  Ed Moore?  Robert Perry?  The person handling the paid tickets at the Parking Bureau?  None of the above?

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