Thursday, March 2, 2023

You Don't Expect Us To Believe Your Explanation, Do You?


What "safety issue?"

During Robert Perry Jr.'s DPW report at last month's Informal Council meeting when mention of the newly installed CROSS ONLY ON GREEN signs was first made, here was his explanation for the 24 signs:


"Multiple discussions with citizens?"  Please name two of those citizens who approached you with their concerns for other people crossing the side streets of Warren unsafely because the other people weren't paying attention to the proper colored light before crossing.

NYSDOT?  DOT has no jurisdiction in the City of Hudson, absolutely none at all.  To whom at DOT did you speak about the tiny signs?   What did they tell you, "Go ahead, put up your little signs if you want.  Stop bothering us!"?

"Amongst DPW and HPD?"  Was HPD Commissioner mystery man and no-show Shane Bower involved?   Was this his project for the year?  When did these important confabs between HPD and DPW take place and how many were there?  If you were actually looking into this "safety issue regarding pedestrians not obeying traffic devices," why did you not mention it at ANY COMMON COUNCIL MEETINGS PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE SIGNS?  Did "the safety issue" not concern the public or the council?  How long were you aware of this "safety issue" and why are we only finding out about this issue now -- for how long did you not bother to mention it?  If a bunch of people had been run over at intersections along Warren Street or elsewhere, would you still have held the "safety issue" to yourselves for months or years? 

No one ever came in front of the council and said "There is a new safety issue regarding pedestrians crossing our one-way side streets which we have identified, and we are considering how to solve the problem.  We will keep you all informed and let you know what we decide to do and how much money we plan on spending."  That's not how you operate?  That's not how you communicate?  Too difficult and awkward?  Too time-consuming?

Is it true that the "safety issue" WHICH YOU IDENTIFIED has nothing to do with pedestrians crossing Warren Street, and everything to do with pedestrians crossing Warren's ONE WAY side streets between 3rd and 7th?  Pedestrians crossing east-west ALONG WARREN is a problem worthy of the new signs, but not for pedestrians actually CROSSING Warren Street north-south.   No danger at all in that direction?  You don't expect us to believe this, do you?

Finally, has the "pedestrian safety issue" along Warren Street been solved by the new signs, or is it still alive and well?  Will you bother telling us either way?  Should we be concerned for our safety and the safety of strangers crossing our side streets?  Please don't hold back any important information we might all benefit from!

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