Saturday, April 15, 2023

Is Police Chief Ed Moore Okay?

I recently emailed Hudson Police Chief Moore to let him know about an old, unregistered pickup truck that had been parked in my neighborhood for about a week unmoved.  A few weeks ago in person, Ed had told me that unregistered vehicles parked in the city can be towed after 3 days, as they are considered abandoned vehicles.  He alone has the authority to do this.

Ed responded that the pickup was actually up-to-date registered, implying that the new registration sticker (now a few months old) had yet to replace the old one.  Therefore, there was no way he could have the car towed - it was not in violation of any code or traffic law.  In his next sentence, the police chief offered me the first and last name of the owner of the vehicle.  No one with access to DMV records about a vehicle and its owner, including the DMV, is allowed to reveal the owner's name to the public.  It is confidential information, and rightly so. 

When I told a clerk at DMV about the Chief of Police divulging the first and last name of the owner of a vehicle to me, she shook her head and said that I should tell this to the County Clerk, Holly Tanner.  Holly was equally unimpressed by our Police Chief's actions and told me that she would "talk to Chief Moore."  She agreed with me that Ed Moore had no authority to divulge the vehicle owner's name to me, that it was totally inappropriate, and that he should have known better. 

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