Monday, April 17, 2023

Why Would Anyone Want To Live At 542 Prospect?

It should come as no surprise to anyone that this house at the end of Prospect Street is for sale and appears to have been for sale for about a year.  Who on earth would want to live next to the Pocketbook Factory now that it is being turned into a hotel, spa, cafe, etc., WITH A QUASI-PUBLIC OUTDOOR SPACE a few feet away?  

This is the same courtyard space that the Hudson Planning Board allowed the developer to have live, amplified music until 10pm on Friday and Saturday nights (at least as I remember it).  This "public space" was the developer's little gift to the residents of Hudson for the disruption that a business of this size with no off-street parking will surely bring to the residential neighborhood.  Some gift!  Of course, the developer doesn't live in 542 Prospect Street.  No one does, because no one wants to.

Sure, someone will buy the house eventually -- and probably regret it. Or turn it into an Airbnb. Or, better yet, maybe the Pocketbook project will never actually come to fruition.  In which case, we'd all be better off, and someone can live peacefully in 542 Prospect.

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