Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Oh, What A Wonderful World It Would Be If We All Felt So Entitled

April 26th

Last week, I saw the owner of a certain coffee shop on Park Place park her car partially on the sidewalk in front of her business and directly in front of a NO PARKING ANY TIME sign.  The curb is clearly painted yellow.  

About ten minutes later, she exited her shop, and I asked her if the NO PARKING sign did not apply to her.  She asked me what my name was.  I asked her if she was aware of all the trucks making turns on and off Park Place.  She replied, nearly yelling, "I don't care." 

This morning, the car was once again parked with two wheels on the sidewalk, once again straddling the yellow curb in a clearly marked and signed NO PARKING zone at a busy, sharp turn in our truck route.

3 weeks ago, the owner of the car was issued a $10 ticket by HPD for IMPROPER PARKING.  In the notes section of the ticket was written: CAR BLOCKING SIDEWALK.  The car was parked completely on the sidewalk in front of the vacant building to the north of the coffee shop.  Here are the pictures that the parking enforcer took that day.

April 4th

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