Monday, May 22, 2023

The Downtown Beautification Policy at Robert Perry's DPW

The cheaper, preferred method 
Last Friday I was directed by a DPW Water Department employee (yes, there is a Water Department within the Public Works Department!) to another employee by the name of Nate who was doing some pavement painting at the corner of State and 2nd Streets.  I asked Nate what his department's policy was regarding covering out of service fire hydrants with plastic bags as opposed to using simple and permanent "out of service" tags.

The out-of-style method no longer
considered cost effective:  
simple, reusable tags
Nate told me that they had some tags, but that "bags were cheaper to use."  Presumably, this policy comes directly from the top of DPW, which would be Superintendent Robert Perry.

If this bothers you, you might be able to reach Mr. Perry by calling 518-828-9458.  Should you get a hold of him, please do me a favor by asking the DPW Superintendent how much money the city saves by covering out of service hydrants in plastic bags and how often the plastic bags need to be replaced.  Ask him how many years the out of service hydrant on N. 4th Street has been out of service, how many years it has been covered in plastic bags, how many bags have been used over those years, and if plastic bags are his only option.  Maybe also ask him if he and his wife would mind if a hydrant in front of their house were covered in a series of orange and/or black plastic bags for years.

There are at least three out of service fire hydrants on Rossman Avenue, all with the metal out of service tags that appear to have been attached for years.  How long do you think the residents on Rossman would tolerate even one of those hydrants being covered with a series of plastic bags for years and years?  No, Rossman's hydrants don't get the plastic bag treatment, but Front Street does, directly in front of a low-income apartment complex.  And 4th Street does.  And 7th Street does. And 2nd Street does, too.  Because "it's cheaper to use plastic bags" than tags.  This is the mentality of a slob.

1 comment:

If It Looks Like The Work Of A Slob, Chances Are We Can Thank Rob!

You may remember that there was a two-vehicle crash at 4th & Warren a few months ago caused by a driver who ran a red light which result...