Saturday, June 3, 2023

Narcissist? Or Just Entitled?

This morning, with the Hudson Farmers Market in full swing nearby, I noticed this obscenely parked pickup truck in the very full City Hall Municipal Lot on Columbia Street.  Fortunately, there was a name and phone number included on the FOR SALE sign on the windshield, so I called someone I will refer to as CF.

I asked CF if he was aware that he was taking up two parking spaces with his truck.  The first thing out of CF's mouth was that he "had two trucks," as if that gave him carte blanche to park in the lot wherever and however he felt.  Then, in typical entitled fashion, CF explained to me that he had to park his old pickup in two spaces because "several times my truck has been hit by other car doors in the lot."  The entire body of the truck is rusted.

I asked CF if he had been given permission or been issued a permit by the city to occupy two parking spaces with one vehicle.  He responded that he didn't need permission and that I should mind my own business.   "So, you are entitled to two parking spaces for your truck, are you?" I asked.  He told me that I "didn't understand," and that was the end of our phone chat.

CF then immediately left his home/studio, walked across Columbia Street and approached me in the lot next to his vehicle, asking me if I was the one "bothering" him about his truck.  I told him that I had called him, then immediately pointed to a car ten feet away that was looking for a place to park.

"Do you care that people are trying to park in the lot while you are taking up two spaces?" I asked CF.

He said that there "were plenty of spaces for people to park," which was complete bunk and beside the point. Then he yelled, like a madman, "Get away from me and stop bothering me."

I reminded CF that he had approached me in the lot, not the other way around.  

I wonder if CF would have given the police the same sob story he gave me had they asked him to move his vehicle into one parking space.  "No, officer, I can't.  I am special and so is my truck.  Stop bothering me."

It appears that CF is using our public parking parking lot for nothing more than a venue to sell his vehicle (if it's even his), which has been parked in the lot for at least a week.  It's got a tarp on the hood to keep the rain off the engine -- you don't think he actually uses this truck, do you?  It's his parking lot and each of his trucks is entitled to at least two spaces.  Everyone else can go to hell, and "go away."

God forbid someone should
scratch the rust!

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