Tuesday, July 11, 2023

It's All Garbage! It's A Garbage Truck, After All!

No separation of recycling and garbage 
is possible in this truck.  It's all garbage.
6 weeks ago, Hudseen published an article about a local garbage hauler dumping recycling and garbage into the same truck without any separation of the material, the truck being a "rental" with a different company name and logo on it than the company handling the waste, Superior Waste of Cairo, NY.  This morning in Long Alley, I saw the same truck and the same operator doing the exact same thing as 6 weeks ago.

I watched the Superior Waste worker empty 6 different waste receptacles left in the alley for him behind 3 houses.  3 of the receptacles were labeled RECYCLING ONLY (yellow lids), and 3 were for garbage (brown lids).  The contents of all 6 receptacles went into the same hopper of the truck, and it was all meant to be compacted together.  Off the driver went to service more customers, which probably numbers in the hundreds in Hudson. 

Some garbage trucks are designed with separate compartments for recycling and garbage.  This Superior Waste/Oak Ridge Waste and Recycling garbage truck is not one of them.

Read the original article here:  Superior To Whom?

1 comment:

If It Looks Like The Work Of A Slob, Chances Are We Can Thank Rob!

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