Wednesday, August 9, 2023

I Got Dem Ol' Oakdale Country Garbage Blues, Mama!

During my regular walks on the trails around Oakdale Lake, I can't help but pick up most of the litter I come across, especially if it's in the water and reachable from the shore.  Sometimes the detritus can be puzzling or interesting, usually it's packaging waste (so much packaging!), but today's pickings might take the cake (or the pie).

Along the shore, floating near the outlet of the lake,  I found 2  8-track tapes in decent condition.  Given how clear the labels were, the Willie Nelson and Justin Tubb recordings had obviously not been in the lake since the 1980's when most people finally rid themselves of perhaps the worst, most wasteful audio recording medium ever created.  

So how on earth did these 2 hard plastic tapes meant to last a billion years wind up in the lake recently, and how many more are in there or have already made their way to the Hudson River and possibly beyond to some garbage patch full of plastic?

Did someone decide to renounce country music by dumping their 8-track collection in Oakdale Lake rather than burning them all?  We can only speculate.

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