Saturday, August 12, 2023

What Does It Matter?

This is what we get in lieu of actual code enforcement from our Code Enforcement Office and DPW (and the Mayor's Office, which supposedly governs these departments to make sure they are functioning properly, effectively and not wasting our money):

1)  Illegal garbage put in the alleys and elsewhere, which DPW eventually removes, but can sit for weeks and months.  If garbage or recycling is put out in a plastic bag that was not purchased at City Hall, DPW is not supposed to touch it.  Someone at City Hall is supposed to figure out who is putting out the garbage and recycling too early, as well as any other illegal/code violation garbage, and put an end to it, with either a talk or issuing fines to the violators.  In Hudson, this simply NEVER happens.

2) Frustrated residents with no other options but to post their own signs directed at their neighbors because of a lack of proper code enforcement.  A lack of ANY code enforcement.

3) A situation that could evolve into a regrettable incident after a concerned resident tries to handle the task that the Hudson Code Enforcement Office is unwilling or unable to handle.  Like asking a neighbor to clear the snow off their sidewalk and getting stabbed in the chest after an ensuing "disagreement."  Or, trimming an overgrown tree blocking the sidewalk and getting punched in the face weeks later by someone living at the residence who didn't appreciate the branch trimmer ridding the sidewalk of the property owner's code violation that our Code Enforcement Office has no interest in enforcing.

We have a City Hall which appears to be unconcerned with any of these 3 issues.  Because it simply doesn't matter to them what the city looks like, how its residents react to code violations that impact their quality of life, and the potential resulting conflicts between neighbors due to persistent quality of life issues found throughout the city (especially in our alleys) and mentioned throughout the Hudson City Code.

We all deserve better!

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