Monday, September 25, 2023

Has Anyone Seen Robert Perry or Know Where His Office Is Located?

What I have come to understand over the past ten years is that too many quality of life issues in the City of Hudson that are and are not the responsibility of DPW or Code Enforcement get completely ignored.  For instance, Robert Perry said he couldn't figure out who owned the 8 payphones in town to get them removed.  It took me 15 minutes on the phone with Verizon to get the name of the company they sold our phones to over ten years ago, and 6 months before our phones were removed.  Robert Perry never called Amtrak to get their rough crossing on Broad Street replaced.  I did, and Amtrak replaced it last week.  No one from City Hall ever tries to figure out who is responsible for all the double utility poles in town and get the old poles removed.  It's all rather pathetic, and City Hall failing to tend to their own responsibilities is a further slap in the face to every Hudson citizen.  

It doesn't matter who is responsible for, or who owns, the loose and loud manhole cover on North 3rd Street along the truck route.  If City Hall isn't going to figure this out and get the responsible party to attend to it (DPW included), should anyone be surprised that something like this sticks around for months or years?  Or that something horrible happens for lack of attention and proper maintenance?

On two separate occasions via their customer service line, Verizon claimed to me that they do not own or maintain manhole covers anywhere.  They told me to "contact your city."

A person at the National Grid customer service help line recently told me the same thing:  "Manhole covers are not ours.  Call the city or county."

This begs the question:  What else is DPW not able to attend to that it should be attending to?

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