Monday, October 30, 2023

They Talk The Talk But Can't Walk The Walk!


It's nothing new to say that the residents of Hudson are counting on many of those in Hudson City Hall -- the Mayor's Office, the city attorney and Legal Committee, the Code Enforcement Office, and possibly Robert Perry -- to make our sidewalks "safe and accessible for all."  But the new 5-foot wide sidewalk in front of City Hall should cast a lot of doubt on anyone's hopes for that dream to become a reality. 

In my estimation, City Hall's new sidewalk is the narrowest and most dangerous portion along all of Warren Street, and one of the worst in the entire city.  Anyone not paying attention for a moment can easily fall off any portion of the long, obscenely narrow sidewalk, possibly slamming their head on a beautiful, brand new van-accessible handicapped parking space that will rarely be occupied.

This makes no sense at all, and further confirms my belief that City Hall's stated goal of creating safe sidewalks throughout the city is an unachievable one.  It's simply not something they are equipped to handle right now.  Just walk in front of 520 Warren for proof, especially during the day or (!) night on a busy weekend.  They have set the standard for how to replace a decent sidewalk with one that is MORE DANGEROUS!

It appears that we are going to need more than the DOJ to force, and solve, the issue of safe and accessible sidewalks in Hudson.  City Hall is going on the wrong direction!

Three steps from a possibly
painful and life-altering fall!

The city is forcing pedestrians to
walk inches from the curbline, with some even
walking ON the curbstone

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